What moves us to practice? In this episode of YogaBrain, we talk to teacher Hannah Adams about the effect of the body and breath in postures such as handstand, and Dr. Catherine Tallon-Baudry about visceral effects on the brain.

Hannah Adams Hannah Adams is an international yoga teacher and handstand enthusiast based in Boston. Her teaching is inspired by a diverse background in philosophy, fitness, The Alexander Technique, poetry, and functional anatomy. As a teacher, Hannah aims to facilitate her students’ gain of a greater somatic understanding of themselves, and a more refined sense of presence through the practice of movement and breath. Follow her @hannahadamsyoga on instagram and at www.hannahadams.fit
Dr. Catherine Tallon-Baudry is a CNRS senior researcher in Cognitive Neuroscience at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. She examines links between the viscera and the brain, and how these connections may encode a sense of self.
Supine Twist

Beautiful Music: [Giant: The Grand Affair][A Quiet Thought: Wayne Jones]
Cover Image: Photo by milan degraeve on Unsplash